Edit Mine Entry: 2445

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Unlocated: Shown on Map:
If not shown on map reason or Partial Stripped statement:
Coal Company:
Mine Name Header:
Mine Type:
Mined Out Area:
Acres after map date: Production Indicated:
Acres in General Area of mining:
Counties: 1: 3:
2: 4:
Quadrangles: 1: 4:
2: 5:
3: 6:
Cities: 1: 3:
2: 4:
Start Date:
End Date/Final Production:
YEAR IS REQUIRE -- Day & Month are Optional
Enter 9999 for unknown or uncertain years
Enter 9998 for active mines
Latitude (i.e.38.0773600349414):
Longitude (i.e.-89.0302977994213):
Zoom (15 is average, bigger is closer):

Verified Coordinates: Latitude, Longitude (i.e 38.077,-89.030)

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)[edit | edit source]

Shaft Type County Township/Range Section Part Section

Shaft Type County Township/Range Section Part Section

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Geology[edit | edit source]

Seam Depth Thick - Min Thick - Max Thick - Ave Mining-method
(Separated by commas)
Mining Method - Note

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Geological Problems Reported:[edit | edit source]

Production[edit | edit source]

The number in the "Production" field of this entry will be used as the "Total Production"
Company Company Note Mine-Name Mine Name Note Date Production Sum

The number in the "Production" field of this entry will be used as the "Total Production"
Company Company Note Mine-Name Mine Name Note Date Production Sum

The number in the "Production" field of this entry will be used as the "Total Production"
Company Company Note Mine-Name Mine Name Note Date Production Sum

The number in the "Production" field of this entry will be used as the "Total Production"
Company Company Note Mine-Name Mine Name Note Date Production Sum

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Sources of Data[edit | edit source]

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type

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Annotated Bibliography[edit | edit source]






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Mine Notes[edit | edit source]

Mine Images[edit | edit source]

Photographs[edit | edit source]

Additional Notes[edit | edit source]

tooltip If you need to start a line using an asterisk add <code>< nowiki ></code> before the asterisk and <code>< /nowiki > </code>after to get an Asterisk (remove the space in the code

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