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Verified Coordinates: Latitude, Longitude (i.e 38.077,-89.030)
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Clay horsebacks were common in the mine. The coal was split into two layers of 2.3 to 3.0 feet above a coal of 3.6 feet thick. The interval between the two coal layers varies from 3 feet of shale and 5 feet of limestone to all shale. The upper coal had a sandy shale roof that was reported to stay up well, but that adhered strongly to the coal. The upper coal was cleaner, but with the shale difficulties and the thinner deposit, the upper coal was not profitable to mine. Some of the fire clay floor was excavated in the haulage entries to give clearance to the small mules used for haulage. The floor heaved, and consisted of 5 feet or more of fire clay.
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