Athens Quadrangle

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Mining began in this quadrangle in the early 1890s. Cantrall Coal Company opened a mine near the town of Cantrall and shortly thereafter the Athens Coal Company and the Wabash Coal Company began mining near the town of Athens. These mines in Menard County closed in the early 1920s when the mining activity moved south into Sangamon County. Mines were active in the quadrangle until the 1960s when the Eddy Mine, the last to close, ceased operation in August 1964.

Only the Springfield coal seam was mined in this quadrangle. The coal was approximately 6 feet thick and ranged from 150 to 215 feet deep. Horsebacks and clay dikes were frequently encountered and water was sometimes a problem.

Map and Directory PDF Download

Coal Mines In Illinois Athens Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Athens Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Greene County

Madison County

Menard County

Randolph County

Sangamon County

St. Clair County

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