Carrier Mills Quadrangle

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Mining in the Carrier Mills Quadrangle

Four seams have been mined in this quadrangle. All have been mined from the surface as well as underground. Most of the mining took place in the Springfield Coal, which crops out along an east-west trend about the middle of the quadrangle. The Springfield Coal generally ranges from 4 to 6.5 feet thick and averages about 5 feet thick over the area. The Springfield Coal was not deposited or is split into two or more seams by shale in the area west of Harrisburg. This is near the Galatia Channel, which was deposited contemporaneously with the Springfield Coal. The Dykersburg Shale overlies the seam in this area, generally making a good roof.

The Herrin Coal was also mined in this quadrangle, and generally ranges from 4 to 6 feet thick. This seam was shallow and was typically surface-mined.

A few mines also reportedly mined the Danville Coal (above the Springfield Coal) and the Houchin Creek Coal (between the Springfield and Dekoven Coals).

The Dekoven and Davis Coals were mined in the southern part of the quadrangle. They are thinner than the Springfield Coal, generally about 3 feet thick each. These seams were commonly surface mined where both seams could be taken together, such as in Peabody Coal Company’s Will Scarlet Mine (mine index 697).

Most of the mining in this quadrangle was from the mid-1930s until 1997.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Carrier Mills Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Carrier Mills Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Saline County

There are no known Unlocated mines in this county

Williamson County

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