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According to the History of Madison County, Collinsville had only gradual growth until the Vandalia Railroad went through town in 1868. The earliest known mine was sunk in 1862, the Collinsville Coal &Mining Company (mine index 2770). The most recent mine in the Collinsville quadrangle is the Lumaghi No. 4 Mine (mine index 842), just east of Collinsville, which operated until 1964. Six of the mines in this area operated 39 years or more; the Troy Mine (mine index 644) was in operation for 53 years.

Glen Carbon, a town on the north border of the Collinsville quadrangle, was developed by the MadisonCoal Company as Madison No. 2 (mine index 415) sank its hoisting and escapement shafts in 1891. New houses and boarding houses had been constructed over the year, and shade trees planted along the streets. Donk No. 1 Mine (mine index 344) may have been the first mine in the state to erect an underground hospital, in 1911-12. That year also saw the establishment of on-site mine rescue and first aid stations at Madison No. 2 Mine (mine index 415, this quadrangle) and Madison No. 4 (mine index 285, Edwardsville quadrangle).

The Herrin Coal was the only coal mined here, ranging from 3.0 to 10.0 feet thick and 54 to 298 feet deep. A number of mines reported problems with the mine floor "heaving" or "squeezing". These problems typically occur in wet conditions such as this where the bedrock cover above the coal is relatively thin. In this area, these conditions will generally apply in topographic valleys. Several mines reported difficulty supporting the roof. A coal availability study (OFS 1996-2, see References) included the Collinsville quadrangle, and the findings of that study indicated that many of the instabilities were caused by an Energy Shale roof that was less than 20 feet thick. Where the Energy Shale is greater than 20 feet thick, it is more massive and doesn’t come down as easily. Generally this mining condition did not greatly hinder mining, but it did require more timbering and made mining a bit more expensive. The thick coal in this area appears to have compensated for the expense caused by the roof problems, as evidenced by the long operating spans and the large areal extent of the mines.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Collinsville Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Collinsville Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines in Madison County

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