Mt. Pulaski Quadrangle

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Mining in the Mt. Pulaski Quadrangle

Mining began in this quadrangle in 1883 in the area west of Mt. Pulaski when a mine was opened by Mr. B. F. Fox. This mine operated under various owners until it was finally closed in 1915. The El-Ben Mine, south of Lincoln, was the only other mine in the quadrangle and was active until closing in 1968. Both of these underground mines mined in the Springfield Coal seam (formerly known as the Number 5 Coal).

The Springfield Coal ranges in average thickness from 5.0 feet in the north to 4.0 feet in the Mt. Pulaski area, and from 270 to 365 feet in depth. Some water problems existed in this area, and clay dikes, or ‘horsebacks’, were common.

Map and Directory PDF Download

Coal Mines In Illinois Mt. Pulaski Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Mt. Pulaski Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Logan County

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