Roodhouse East Quadrangle

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Mining in the Roodhouse East Quadrangle

Coal mining began in the Roodhouse East Quadrangle prior to publication of the 1873 Atlas of Greene County, Illinois. Many of the mines accessed the Colchester Coal, but several minor seams as well as unnamed “pocket coals” were also mined. (Pocket coals refer to coals that may be mere lenses or pods that may or may not correlate to named seams, and that usually do not have a large aerial extent.) Most of the mines were small (less than 20 acres), with a short span of operation. The latest mine that operated was the Birch Creek Mine (mine index 0713), which closed in 1967.

Map and Directory PDF Download

Coal Mines In Illinois Roodhouse East Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Roodhouse East Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Greene County

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