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Coal Quality, Preparation, and Utilization Publications
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Publications by ISGS Type
- B 38B (Extract from B 38). The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Avon and Canton Quadrangles. 1921. 68p.
- B 38C (Extract from B 38). Geology and Mineral Resources of the Milan and Edgington Quadrangles. 1921. 96p.
- B 62 Classification and Selection of Illinois Coals. 1935. 354p., 3pls.
- B 62 Suppl Supplement to B 62 Analyses of Illinois Coals. 1948. (Goes with B 62.) 77p.
- B 64 Coke from Illinois Coals. 1937. 235p.
- B 71 Use of Illinois Coal for Production of Metallurgical Coke. 1947. 132p.
- B 72 Briquetting Illinois Coals Without Binder. 1948. 198p.
- B 84 Petrographic and Coking Characteristics of Coal - Laboratory Study of Illinois Coal Seam Nos. 5 and 6. 1958. 120p., 9pls.
- C 178 Some Observations on the Blending of Coals for Metallurgical Coke. 1952. 8p.
- C 190 Plastic and Swelling Properties of Illinois Coals. 1954. 11p.
- C 197 The Effect of Diluents on the Plastic Properties of Coal as Measured by the Gieseler Plastometer. 1955. 16p.
- C 202 Sizing Studies on Pilot-Oven Coke: Comparison with Commercial Coke Size. 1955. 7p.
- C 205 Comparison of Mine Sizes of Southern Illinois Coals for Use in Metallurgical Coke. 1955. 10p.
- C 213 Factors Affecting Coke Size. 1956. 16p
- C 219 Coking Coals of Illinois. 1956. 30p.
- C 227 Weathering of Illinois Coals During Storage. 1957. 22p.
- C 240 Comparison of Methods of Determination of Volatile Matter and Ash in Coal. 1957. 8p.
- C 246 Influence of Coking Time on Expansion Pressure and Coke Quality. 1958. 26p.
- C 269 Plastic Properties of Coal. 1959. 36p.
- C 274 Stockpiling Illinois Coal for Coke. 1959. 14p.
- C 278 Coke from Medium-Volatile and Illinois Coals. 1959. 24p.
- C 288 Solvent Extract and the Plastic Properties of Coal. 1960. 11p.
- C 289 Effects of High-Carbon Components and Other Additives on the Character of Cokes. 1960. 29p.
- C 305 Petroleum Coke in Illinois Coal Blends for Blast Furnace Coke. 1960. 10p.
- C 313 Effects of Outdoor Storage on Illinois Steam Coals. 1961. 10p.
- C 317 Use of Illinois Coal Fines in Production of Metallurgical Coke. 1961. 19p.
- C 333 Wettability of Coal, Graphite, and Naphthalene as Measured by Contact Angles. 1962. 20p.
- C 350 Studies on the Ultrafine Structures of Some Illinois Coals. 1963. 12p.
- C 365 Composition of the Ash of Illinois Coals. 1964. 20p.
- C 366 Predicting Coke Stability from Petrographic Analysis of Illinois Coals. 1964. 20p.
- C 372 Chlorine in Illinois Coals. 1964. 23p.
- C 375 Coke Crushing Characteristics. 1964. 11p.
- C 396 Sulfur Retention in Bituminous Coal Ash. 1966. 10p.
- C 412 A Survey of the Coking Properties of Illinois Coals. 1967. 27p.
- C 423 Drying and Preheating Coals Before Coking. Part I - Individual Coals. 1968. 26p.
- C 432 Sulfur in Illinois Coals. 1968. 28p.
- C 434 Drying and Preheating Coals Before Coking. Part 2 - Coal Blends. 1968. 21p.
- C 449 Heat Drying Coals at Moderate Temperatures Before Coking. 1970. 18p.
- C 453 Preheating Coal Blends as a Means of Increasing Coke Strength. 1970. 15p.
- C 462 Sulfur Reduction of Illinois Coals - Washability Studies. Part 1. 1971. 44p.
- C 476 Occurrence and Distribution of Minerals in Illinois Coals. 1973. 56p.
- C 484 Sulfur Reduction of Illinois Coals - Washability Studies. Part 2. 1974. 32p.
- C 493 Internal Surface Area, Moisture Content, and Porosity of Illinois Coals: Variations with Coal Rank. 1976. 38p.
- C 498 Mineral Matter in the Springfield-Harrisburg (No. 5) Coal Member in the Illinois Basin. 1977. 35p.
- C 499 Trace Elements in Coal: Occurrence and Distribution. 1977. 154p.
- C 545 Study of Sulfur Behavior and Removal During Thermal Desulfurization of Illinois Coals. 1990. 34p.
- C 558 Distribution of Boghead Algae in Illinois Basin Coal Beds 1997. 21p., 1pl. May be purchased: Ordering information
Contract/Grant Reports
- C/G 1981-3 Geology and Geochemistry of Sphalerite in Coal. U.S. Geol. Survey Final Dept. Grant No. 14-08-0001-G-496. 1981. 204p.
- C/G 1982-1 Proposed Techniques for Evaluating Chars Made from High-Sulfur Illinois Coals for Manufacture of Formed Coke, ENR Project No. 80-233. 1982. 23p.
- C/G 1983-4 Mineral Matter and Trace Elements in the Herrin and Springfield Coals, Illinois Basin Coal Field. EPA-600/7-84-036. 1983. 162p.
- C/G 1984-3 Radioactive Sulfur Trace-Study of Sulfur Removal in the Charring of Illinois Coals at 650x C. EPA-600/7-84-036 (March 1984.) 24p.
- C/G 1985-2 Size and Maceral Association of Sulfide Grains in Illinois Coals and Their Washed Products. 1985. 49p.
- C/G 1985-5 Information System on Chemistry of Illinois Coals. 1985. 20p.
- C/G 1986-1 Information System on Illinois Coal II: Characterization of Samples in the Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program. 1986. 33p.
- C/G 1988-1 Ultrafine Coal Cleaning Via Shattering and Aggregate Flotation Processes. 1988. 38p.
Environmental Geology Notes
- EGN 34 Sulfur Reduction of Illinois Coal: Washability Tests. 1970. 12p.
- EGN 43 Mercury Content of Illinois Coals. 1971. 15p.
- EGN 61 Occurrence and Distribution of Potentially Volatile Trace Elements in Coal. An Interim Report. 1973. 43p.
- EGN 66 Comparison of Oxidation and Reduction Methods in the Determination of Forms of Sulfur in Coal. 1973. 11p.
- EGN 72 Occurrence and Distribution of Potentially Volatile Trace Elements in Coal. 1974. 96p.
- EGN 88 Abundance of Trace and Minor Elements in Organic and Mineral Fractions of Coal. 1980. 67p.
- EGN 102 Forms and Volatilities of Trace and Minor Elements in Coal. 1982. 29p.
- EGN 113 Characterization of Volatile Sulfur Compounds Produced from Illinois Coal Chars. 1986. 14p.
- EGN 114 Design Principles for a Coal Desulfurization Process with Iron Sulfides as In-Situ Catalysts. 1986. 10p.
- EG 152 Assessing the Removal of Air Toxics in Marketed Illinois Coals by Gravity-Based Cleaning 2000. 27p. May be purchased: Ordering information
Illinois Minerals Notes
- IMN 34 Neutron Activation Analysis at the Illinois State Geological Survey. 1968. 8p.
- IMN 57 Electric Utility Plant Flue-Gas Desulfurization: A Potential New Market for Lime, Limestone, and Other Carbonate Materials. 1974. 19p.
- IMN 61 Behavior of Coal Ash in Gasification Beds of Ignifluid Boilers. 1975. 25p.
- IMN 71 Abundance and Recovery of Sphalerite and Fine Coal from Mine Waste in Illinois. 1979. 11p.
- IMN 74 The Abundance of Zinc and Cadmium in Sphalerite-Bearing Coals. 1980. 28p.
- IMN 83 Effect of Some Metal Chlorides on the Transformation of Pyrite to Pyrrhotite. 1982. 12p.
- IMN 92 Removal of Sulfur from Illinois Coals via Charring and Partial Oxidation. 1985. 30p.
- IMN 121 Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Inorganic Matter from Marketed Illinois Coals. 2001. 28p.
- IMN 123 Effects of Coal-Bound Chlorine on Furnace-Wall Corrosion Under Low-NOx Conditions. 2002. 10p.
- IMN 125 Advanced Characterization of Forms of Cl, Organic Sulfur, and Selected Trace Elements in Available Coals from Operating Illinois Mines. 2002. 12p.
Illinois Petroleum
- IP 122 Analyses of Natural Gas in Illinois. 1981. (Contains many analyses of gas in abandoned coal mines.) 64p.
Open File Series Reports
- OFS 1990-7 Upgrading Mild Gasification Oils. 1990. 34 p.
- OFS 1991-9 Production of Superclean Coal by Wet-Grinding and Selective Flocculation. 23p.
- OFS 1992-1 Characterization of Organic Sulfur in Macerals and Chars. 1992. 23p.
- OFS 1994-1 Low Temperature Perchloroethylene Extraction of Sulfur from Illinois Coal. 1994. 20p.
- OFS 1994-2 Characterization of Available (Marketed) Coals from Illinois Mines. 1994. 26p.
- OFS 1995-8 Washability of Trace Elements in Product (Marketed) Coals from Illinois Mines. 1995. 22p.
Reports of Investigations
- RI 48 Washability Characteristics of Illinois Coal Screenings. 1938. 84p.
- RI 55 Effect of Preparation on Ash Fusibility of Selected Illinois Coals. 1939. 31p.
- RI 78 Correlation of Domestic Stoker Combustion with Laboratory Tests and Types of Fuels. I. Preliminary Studies. 1942. 20p.
- RI 81 Determination of Ash in Coal Unusually High in Calcite and Pyrite. 1942. 10p.
- RI 120 Correlation of Domestic Stoker Combustion with Laboratory Tests and Types of Fuels. II. Combustion Tests and Preparation Studies of Representative Illinois Coals. 1946. 62p.
- RI 132 Chemical Characteristics of Banded Ingredients of Coal. 1948. 9p.
- RI 133 Correlation of Domestic Stoker Combustion with Laboratory Tests and Types of Fuels. III. Effect of Coal Size Upon Combustion Characteristics. 1948. 47p.
- RI 151 Correlation of Domestic Stoker Combustion with Laboratory Tests and Types of Fuels. IV. Combustion Tests of Illinois and Other Coals. 1951. 46p.
- RI 171 Investigation of Rank in Coal by Differential Thermal Analysis. 1954. 15p.
- RI 187 Char for Metallurgical Coke. 1955. 38p.
- RI 190 Some Experimental Factors that Modify Differential Thermograms of Bituminous Coal. 1955. 30p. RI 207 Oxidation of Coal. 1958. 51p.
- RI 212 Acidic Structural Groups in Illinois Coals. Variation During Oxidation and Carbonization. 1959. 75p.
- RI 220 Chemistry, Uses, and Limitations of Coal Analyses. 1966. 55p.