FileList:1871 atlas ipava: Revision history

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July 26, 2023

July 25, 2023

  • curprev 13:1713:17, July 25, 2023Alan.Myers talk contribs 439 bytes +439 Created page with "{{FileList |checked=1st Entry |File name=1871_atlas_ipava |JPG_URL= |Mine-index=6637,2101 |NC File TYPE=Map |Map Type=1871 Atlas of Fulton County |source_loc=Yes |minetype=Coal |File Date=1871 |pub=Anreas, Lyter & Co., 1871, Atlas Map of Fulton County, Illinois, Davenport, Iowa. |filenote=Only shows the area near Ipava }} {{NC County |county=Fulton }} {{NC Quad |quad=Ipava }}"