Illinois Coal Resource Shapefiles

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Coal resource shapefiles of the Colchester, Danville, Davis, Dekoven, Herrin, Jamestown, Seelyville, and Springfield Coals in Illinois

Below are links to the digital coal resource shapefiles available from the ISGS Coal Section. The listed shapefiles are the same ones that were used to construct the County Coal Map Series maps and State Coal maps.

Important information on the use of these files and other materials

These digital files have been reviewed and edited and meet the standards of the Illinois State Geological Survey with regard to scientific and technical quality and are suited to the purpose and the use intended by the ISGS Coal Section. They present reasonable interpretations of the geology of the area and are based on available data. However, the interpretations are based on data that may vary with respect to accuracy of geographic location, the type and quantity of data available at each location, and the reliability of the data sources. Consequently, the accuracy of unit boundaries and other features shown in these files varies from place to place.

This data set provides a large-scale conceptual model of the geology of the area on which to base further work. Any map or cross section included herein is not intended for use in site-specific screening or decision-making. Use of this document does not eliminate the need for detailed studies to fully understand the geology of a specific site. The Illinois State Geological Survey and the University of Illinois make no guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding the correctness of the interpretations presented in this data set and accept no liability for the consequences of decisions made by others on the basis of the information presented here.

Reference documentation for digital spatial data files that accompany the Illinois Minerals report series; Availability of Coals for Mining in Illinois, can be found in the following publications:

  • IM 118, Springfield Coal, 1999 (15.4 MB PDF file)
  • IM 120, Herrin Coal, 2000 (52 MB PDF file)
  • IM 124, Danville, Jamestown, Dekoven, Davis, and Seelyville Coals, 2002 (9.1 MB PDF file)
  • IM 127, Colchester Coal, 2003 (40.4 MB PDF file), Illinois State Geological Survey, Coal Section

Sources of data and limitations of maps/spatial coverages: The maps/digital files used for these studies were compiled from data obtained from a variety of public and private sources and have varying degrees of completeness and accuracy. The maps are designed for regional assessment and have a resolution of 1:500,000. Features or details of features smaller than about one-half mile across may not be accurately portrayed or may be omitted altogether.

This digital data is expected to be used as-is, and is not to be altered by the user. See metadata text for additional detailed information on the creation of the dataset elements, use constraints, etc.


Click on the file names in the table below to download. GIS shapefiles are in unprojected Geographic Decimal Degree, NAD83. See .prj text files or .htm metadata files for specific spatial reference information, and see .htm metadata files for complete GIS shapefile documentation.

Mine and Coal Resource Files

  • - Shapefiles of coal mine points and polygons, including active mines, as of August 2024. 11 MB
  • - Shapefiles pertaining to the Colchester coal, as of February 2019. 21 MB
  • - Shapefiles pertaining to the Danville coal, as of February 2019. 15 MB
  • - Shapefiles pertaining to the Dekoven and Davis coals, as of February 2019. 6 MB
  • - Shapefiles pertaining to the Herrin coal, as of February 2019. 56 MB
  • - Shapefiles pertaining to the Jamestown coal, as of July 2012. 2 MB
  • - Shapefile of the remaining cumulative (net) coal thickness of mapped seams, greater than 18 inches, in IL. 10 MB
  • - Shapefiles pertaining to the Seelyville coal, as of February 2019. 2 MB
  • - Shapefiles pertaining to the Springfield coal, as of February 2019. 28 MB

Boundary Files

Stratigraphic Data Files

  • - ASCII text file and Excel table of stratigraphic information for the Danville, Herrin, and Springfield Coals from over 52,000 drill hole and outcrop descriptions of Pennsylvanian stratigraphy, as of August 2017. Coordinates have been calculated for each point location. 4 MB
  • - ASCII text file and Excel table of stratigraphic information for the Jamestown, Colchester, Seelyville, Dekoven, Lower Dekoven, and Davis Coals from over 11,000 drill hole and outcrop descriptions of Pennsylvanian stratigraphy, as of August 2017. Coordinates have been calculated for each point location. 1 MB