Mine Index 2359   Truckers Coal Company,   Truckers Mine

Unlocated Mines In: Grundy unlocated
County: Grundy
Quadrangle: Gardner
County Coal Data: Grundy
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No

Mine Index Number: 2359

Company Name: Truckers Coal Company
Mine Name: Truckers Mine
Start Date: 1936 End Date: 1939
Type of Mine: Underground
Total acres shown: 2
Acres after map date: Less than 1 General Area of mining acres shown:

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Main shaft Grundy 32N 8E 36 NE NE NW
Air shaft Grundy 32N 8E 36 NE NE NW [1]
Air shaft Grundy 32N 8E 36 NW NW NE [2]


Thickness (ft)
Seam Depth (ft) Min Max Ave Mining Method
Colchester 112 3.17 RPB

Geological Problems Reported


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
Clark City Coal Company [3] Clark City 1936-1937 [4] 5,265
Truckers Coal Company Truckers 1938-1938 610
Truckers Coal Company Truckers 1938-1939 691 [5]
Total Production: 6,566

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Microfilm, document 351484 8-12-1938 1:360 1:795 Not final

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation.
Directory of Illinois Coal Mines (Grundy County) - Mine names, mine index, ownership, years of operation.
Mine notes (Grundy County) - Mine type, shaft location, seam, depth, thickness, ownership.
Microfilm map, document 351484, reel 03136, frame 233 - Shaft locations, mine outline, mining method, seam.

Mine Notes

Mine Images



  1. The main shaft was partitioned into air and hoist compartments.
  2. This air shaft was under construction and only 5 feet down, as shown on the not-final source map. This air shaft construction may not have been completed before the mine closed.
  3. ISGS mine notes indicate that Roanoke Wilmington Coal Corporation was associated with the opening of this mine, but no production was reported under that name.
  4. Idle 1937
  5. Production after map date.