Lincoln West Quadrangle


Mining in the Lincoln West Quadrangle

Mining began in this quadrangle in 1869 when the Lincoln Coal Company opened its Mine Number 1. The workings underlie the south and west part of the city of Lincoln and the Lincoln Lakes. The last reported production was in 1918, the year the mine closed. A new mine opened in 1939 (Bliss Coal Company) and produced until the mine was abandoned in 1946. Both of these underground mines mined the Springfield Coal seam (formerly known as the #5 coal).

The Springfield Coal averages 5.0 to 5.5 feet thick in this quadrangle and is 280 feet deep. Some water problems existed in the area and clay dikes or ‘horsebacks’ were common.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Lincoln West Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Lincoln West Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Logan County

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