St. Bernice Quadrangle

(Redirected from St. Bernice-Quadrangle)

Mining in the St. Bernice Quadrangle

The accompanying map does not show all the coal mines in Indiana within the Saint Bernice Quadrangle boundary. The Indiana mines that are shown cross into Illinois or were thought to at one time when the mine outlines were georegistered poorly.

Three seams were mined within the boundary of the Saint Bernice Quadrangle: Danville, Springfield, and Seelyville Coals. The Danville Coal is of a minable thickness over most of the quadrangle, but mining was confined to the shallower regions in the eastern half. The Springfield Coal was mined in the southern part of the quadrangle.

The earliest known mining in the Saint Bernice Quadrangle was in 1904, with the opening of John Wellman’s mine (mine index 0333). The latest mining took place in 1990 when Peabody’s Universal Mine (mine index 1014) extended into Illinois from Indiana.

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Coal Mines In Illinois St. Bernice Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the St. Bernice Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Edgar County

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