Streator North Quadrangle

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Mining in the Streator North Quadrangle

According to the History of La Salle County, Illinois, mining on a large scale began with the arrival of Colonel Ralph Plumb, representing eastern capitalists. The 1876 Atlas for La Salle County shows several mines in the vicinity of Streator, especially seven small coal mines west of Streator, a shaft right on the railroad tracks in the northern half of the town and the Chicago, Wilmington & Vermilion No. 2 Mine (mine index 2608) in the southeastern part of town. The Chicago, Wilmington & Vermilion Coal Company (C., W. & V.) had the largest mines in Streator. The C., W. & V. No. 1 Mine (mine index 2609) had mined 310 acres before 1881, and C., W. & V. No. 2 Mine (mine index 2608) had mined 229 acres before 1881. Mining ended in the Streator North Quadrangle when the French Coal Company closed its mine (mine index 0620) in 1955.

Three seams were mined in the vicinity of Streator, the Herrin, Spring Lake and Colchester Coals. The Herrin Coal was generally between 4 and 5.5 feet thick and was mined with the room-and-pillar method, while the Colchester Coal was thinner, generally 2.5 to 3.0 feet thick. This thin coal was most often mined in the old longwall method, where all the coal was removed and gob from the roof was packed behind the coal to support the roof. In this area, the thick underclay was removed and the coal was wedged down from the face; no blasting powder was required. The Herrin Coal often had poor roof conditions, with slips and small faults. Horsebacks replaced the seam in some areas, and clay partings up to 3 inches thick were present in some mines. The Spring Lake Coal was mined in the eastern part of the quadrangle, where the coal was very thick, sometimes 8 to 10 feet thick.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Streator North Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Streator North Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

La Salle County

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