Kinmundy Quadrangle

Revision as of 08:21, October 27, 2022 by Alan.Myers (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ ==Mining in the Kinmundy Quadrangle== The only mine known to have operated in the Kinmundy Quadrangle is the Kinmundy Mine (mine index 2849), which opened in 1886 and closed in 1906. The mining began using the longwall method, but changed to the room-and-pillar method after about 10 years. The Springfield Coal is split at this location, with the upper portion of the seam generally less than 3 feet thick and the lower split about 3.5 feet thick, separat...")
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Mining in the Kinmundy Quadrangle

The only mine known to have operated in the Kinmundy Quadrangle is the Kinmundy Mine (mine index 2849), which opened in 1886 and closed in 1906. The mining began using the longwall method, but changed to the room-and-pillar method after about 10 years. The Springfield Coal is split at this location, with the upper portion of the seam generally less than 3 feet thick and the lower split about 3.5 feet thick, separated by shale or shale and limestone. The upper coal was of higher quality, but was not always economical to mine, because its sandy shale roof adhered to the coal.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Kinmundy Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Kinmundy Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Marion County

Fayette County

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