Current Publications
- Mine Subsidence in Illinois: Facts for Homeowners – Circular 569, 2013, 9 MB PDF file
- Planned Coal Mine Subsidence in Illinois: A Public Information Booklet – Circular 573, 2008, 3 MB PDF file
- Illinois Coal Mining Statistics – Coal production, coal mining productivity, coal-mined acreage, and coal resources available for mining.
- The Proximity of Underground Mines – This study provides maps and statistics per county on the proximity of both coal and non-coal underground-mined areas to urban development:Circular 575 - Report 1 MB PDF file,Circular 575 - Appendix 2 (Page-size county maps) 85 MB PDF file
- Coal Geology of Illinois – A summary of the information on Illinois Coal Geology, including characteristics of Illinois Coal, both by region and major minable seams. Reprinted with permission from the Keystone Coal Industry Manual. 3.6 MB PDF file
- Pennsylvanian Stratigraphic Column and Nomenclature currently in use by the Coal Section – A summary of references with changes in Pennsylvanian stratigraphic nomenclature at the ISGS since Bulletin 95. 225 KB PDF file
- Paleoenvironments and Distribution of Low-Sulfur Coal in Illinois – Reprint 1986e, 1986, 800 KB PDF file