Oak Hill Quadrangle

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Mining in the Oak Hill Quadrangle

Coal mining was taking place in the Oak Hill Quadrangle before 1873, as evidenced by several mines shown on the 1873 atlas of Peoria County in the southeastern corner of the quadrangle, near Kramm and Edwards Station (as it was known at that time).

Most of the mines accessed the Springfield Coal, particularly those mines in the southern and eastern parts of the quadrangle. The Springfield Coal was usually about 4 feet thick, and could be accessed by drift and shallow entries. Horsebacks were common. The mines further away from Edwards and Kramm were usually small, operated less than 20 years, and undermined only a few acres. The large surface mine in the southern part of the quadrangle (Elm Mine, mine index 0887) only mined the Herrin Coal, which was also underground-mined in the western part of the quadrangle, especially in the ravines near Brimfield (in 18-T10N-R6E and 13-T10N-R5E).

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Coal Mines In Illinois Oak Hill Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Oak Hill Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Peoria County

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