Coal Mine Viewer
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Coal Mine Viewer
The Coal Mines in Illinois Viewer illustrates a general depiction of underground mining in the state and will help determine the proximity of coal mines and underground industrial mines to your home or business. Please follow the instructions below the map for using this viewer.
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Map Last Updated: 03/07/2024
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Data Explanation
These data were compiled by the ISGS for known underground and surface coal mines as well as underground industrial mines. For more information including links to coal mine maps and informational directories, coal resource maps, and coal logs please see the County Coal Map Series.
The underground coal mine points consist of mine entrances and may also contain uncertain underground mine locations. The underground mine proximity region incorporates coal mines as well as industrial mines, and it was calculated and constructed using the methodology outlined in ISGS Circular 575. These generalized areas are not meant to replace site-specific studies; they conservatively illustrate areas overlying and adjacent to underground coal and industrial mines that may potentially be exposed to subsidence based on 1) angle of draw from the edge of the underground workings up to the land surface, and 2) potential inaccuracy or uncertainty in mine boundary locations. Please see ISGS Circular 575. for a full explanation. Areas outside the proximity region also could be undermined. Old, undocumented mine openings have been discovered in many parts of the state. However, most undocumented mines were prospect pits or short-term operations that undermined only a few acres.
The maps and digital files used for this study were compiled from data obtained from a variety of public and private sources and have varying degrees of completeness and accuracy. They present reasonable interpretations of the geology of the area and are based on available data. Locations of some features may be offset by 500 feet or more due to errors in the original source maps, the compilation process, digitizing, or a combination of these factors. These data are not intended for use in site-specific screening or decision-making.
If you believe that you have mine subsidence contact your insurance company and download: Mine Subsidence in Illinois: Facts for Homeowners - Circular 569, 2013, 9 MB PDF file
Data Disclaimer
The Illinois State Geological Survey and the University of Illinois make no guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding the correctness of the interpretations presented in this data set and accept no liability for the consequences of decisions made by others on the basis of the information presented here.
Data Downloads
Coal Mines Shapefiles
ILMines ARCGIS Map Service