Colfax Quadrangle
Mining in the Colfax Quadrangle
A stock company was formed in 1886 to raise money for the digging of a shaft in the vicinity of Colfax (Johnson, 1954). The shaft was completed within two years and in 1888, production was reported from the Colfax Mine (mine index 279). The Danville Coal was about 400 feet deep here, and a minable thickness of between 4 and 6 feet thick. In 1894, the Seymour Mine (mine index 2892, later known as the East Colfax Mine) opened, but operation of this mine was more sporadic. After an initial productive period, this mine closed and was not re-opened until after Colfax Mine closed. All mining in the Colfax Quadrangle ended in 1925 with the closure of the East Colfax Mine.
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Coal Mines In Illinois Colfax Quadrangle
Mines that Appear on the Colfax Quadrangle
Unlocated Mines
McLean County
Livingston County