Fancher Quadrangle


Mining in the Fancher Quadrangle

J. Gallagher and Henry Allen worked mines near Richland Creek in the southeastern part of Fancher Quadrangle before 1875, and some drift mines were driven into the hillsides near Fancher about the same time. Most of the other mines worked or were found during field work in the 1930s. The Shelbyville Coal was worked exclusively in the vicinity. The coal was thin, generally between 2 and 3 feet thick. Most of the mines were drifts into the hillsides and shafts down to the coal, but surface mines took advantage of the shallow depths even when the coal was less than 2 feet thick.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Fancher Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Fancher Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Shelby County

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