Green Rock Quadrangle
Mining in the Green Rock Quadrangle
The 1875 Atlas of Henry County indicates mining had been occurring in the Green Rock Quadrangle prior to 1875, as railroad sidings that had been constructed to the Shepherd Mines (mine index 5376, 5611 and 5612) are shown. However, most of the mines were small mines operating in the Rock Island Coal, with low production for local use. Many mines may be located in the vicinity, and their locations are unknown. For instance, A. H. Worthen noted in his 1882 publication that the Mauch Chunck mines operated about 6 miles west of Geneseo, taking coal from 2.0 to 3.5 feet thick, by tunneling into the hill just above the level of Mineral Creek. There are many mines along Mineral Creek and not all have been identified, therefore the Chunck Mines may or may not be shown on the accompanying map. This is an area where the unlocated mines at the back of this report should be considered when a site is evaluated with the potential for undermining.
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Coal Mines In Illinois Green Rock Quadrangle