Newton Quadrangle


Mining in the Newton Quadrangle

The 1899 Coal Report District 6 inspector reported on page 127 "In Jasper county, at Newton, the county seat, I found two small mines operation. Coal has been mined at this place for the last six years. The coal is found in a ridge, the height of which is about 60 feet above the bottom lands on each side. The breadth of the ridge, where one of the mines is located, is only 100 feet. The ridge extends north and broadens out. The seam is 30 inches in thickness, and to measure from the top of the ridge to the coal seam, it will average 50 feet in depth." The location described is vague, but does fit the mines shown on the Newton Quadrangle in SE 6-T6N-R10E and N ½ 7-T6N-R10E. This area includes 7 mines. The tonnage was not reported for that or previous years, and the next year, Newton was not visited. Jasper County was not listed in the Coal Reports until 1933. The inescapable conclusion is that mining took place that was not reported. The area mined and the years of operation are unknown.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Newton Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Newton Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Jasper County

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