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Woodhull Quadrangle
Mining in the Woodhull Quadrangle
Mining took place in the Woodhull Quadrangle between 1922 and 1965, as far as is known. The organized mining of the two Alpha Mines (mine index numbers 0232 and 2401) were in the Rock Island Coal. Mine maps were available for these two mines, and both were known to have had difficulties with water and roof problems. The earlier part of Shuler Coal Company’s mine (mine index 0232) was the eastern portion of that mine, which extends into the Woodhull Quadrangle.
The four mines in Knox County were in the Colchester Coal, and they are only known to have operated sometime before the notes were taken in 1924 and 1930. The mines in the Colchester Coal are not likely to have been extensive or to have mined a substantial tonnage.
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Coal Mines In Illinois Woodhull Quadrangle