Environmental Aspects of Coal Mining and Utilization Publications
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Publications by ISGS Type
Environmental Geology Notes
- EGN 68 Lake Marls, Chalks, and Other Carbonate Rocks with High Dissolution Rates in SO2-Scrubbing Liquors. 1974. 22p. 1 pl.
- EGN 89 Chemical and Biological Characterization of Leachates from Coal Solid Wastes, 1980. 1980. 99p.
- EGN 90 Hydrogeologic Aspects of Coal Mining in Illinois: An Overview. 1981. 19p.
- EGN 96 Coal Fly Ash: A Review of the Literature and Proposed Classification System with Emphasis on Environmental Impacts. 1981. 69p.
- EGN 98 Hydrogeology of Spoil at Three Abandoned Surface Mines in Illinois: Preliminary Results. 1981. 18p.
- EGN 105 Chemical and Toxicological Properties of Coal Fly Ash. 1983. 70p.
- EGN 106 Collection of Representative Coal Refuse Samples for Leachate Generation Studies. 1984. 68p.
- EGN 107 Geochemical Properties of Coal Wastes and the Toxicological Effects on Aquatic Life. 1984. 124p.
- EGN 118 Characteristics and Potential Uses of Waste from the Historic Longwall Coal Mining District in North-Central Illinois. 1987. 50p.
- EG 135 Investigation of the Hydraulic Effects of Deep-Well Injection of Industrial Wastes. 1990. 100p.
- EG 138 The Proximity of Underground Mines to Residential and Other Built-Up Areas in Illinois. 1991. 18p.
- EG 144 Mine Subsidence in Illinois: Facts for Homeowners. 1992.
- EG 150 Laboratory Studies on the Codisposal of Fluidized-Bed Residue and Coal Slurry Solid. 1996. 28p.
Illinois Mineral Notes
- IMN 94 Coal Recovery from Mine Wastes of the Historic Longwall Mining District of North-central Illinois. 1986. 19p.
Open File Series Reports
- OFS 1994-2 Characterization of Available (Marketed) Coals from Illinois Mines. 1994. 16p.