Other Coal Publications
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Publications by ISGS Types
- Bulletin 52: Pennsylvanian Flora of Northern Illinois. 1925. 113p., 45pls.
- Bulletin 74: Pennsylvanian Spores of Illinois and Their Use in Correlation. 1950. 128p., 18pls.
- Bulletin 86: Upper Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Miospores and Other Plant Microfossils from Illinois. 1959. 135p., 16pls.
- Bulletin 90: Spores in Strata of Late Pennsylvanian Cyclothems in the Illinois Basin. 1964. 89p., 8pls.
- Bulletin 92: Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Through 1965. 1968. 373p.
- Bulletin 93: Correlation and Palynology of Coals in the Carbondale and Spoon Formations (Pennsylvanian) of the Northeastern Part of the Illinois Basin. 1970. 173p., 14pls.
- Bulletin 95: Handbook of Illinois Stratigraphy. 1975. 221p.
- Bulletin 96: Geology of the Eddyville, Stonefort, and Creal Springs Quadrangles, Southern Illinois (accompanies IGQs 1, 2, and 3. Section). 1991. 85p.,
- Bulletin 98: Geology of the Waltersburg Quadrangle, Pope County, Illinois. 1993. 41p.
- Bulletin 99: Geology of the Bloomfield Quadrangle, Johnson County, Illinois. 1993. 30p.
- Bulletin 100: Structural Features of Illinois. 1995. 144 p., 2 plates.,
Bulletin 103: Geology of the Lick Creek Quadrangle, Johnson, Union, and Williamson Counties, Southern Illinois. 1996. 39 p., Plate 1 Bulletin 107 Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Chesterian (Mississippian) Stratigraphy of the Illinois Basin 2002. 70p., 7pls., Plate 1, Plate 2, Plate 3, Plate 4, Plate 5, Plate 6, Plate 7 May be purchased: Ordering information
C 28 Two New Lycopod Seeds from the Illinois Pennsylvanian. 1938. (Reprinted from Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 30, p. 139-146, 1937). 8p., 2pls. C 73 Contribution to Pennsylvanian Paleobotany: Notes on the Lepidocarpaceae. 1941. (Reprinted from American Midland Naturalist, v. 25, no. 3, p. 548-563, May 1941). 17p. C 131 Plant Microfossils in Correlation of Coal Beds. 1947. (Reprinted from Journal of Geology, v. 55, p. 280-284, 1947). 5p. C 234 Microscopy of Resin Rodlets of Illinois. 1957. 16p., 4pls. C 314 Anvil Rock Sandstone and Channel Cutouts of Herrin (No. 6) Coal in West-Central Illinois. 1961. 12p., 2pls., Plate 1, Plate 2 C 445 Palynology and Petrography of a Middle Devonian Coal in Illinois. 1969. 35p., 5pls. C 451 Illimap - A Computer Based Mapping System for Illinois. 1970. 21p. C 458 Paleogeologic Map of the Sub-Pennsylvanian Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) Surface in the Illinois Basin. 1971. 14p., 2pls., Plate 1, Plate 2 C 463 Some Fern-like Fructifications and Their Spores from the Mazon Creek Compression Flora of Illinois (Pennsylvanian). 1971. 55p., 12pls. C 480 Development of Paleobotany in the Illinois Basin. 1973. 86p. C 490 Glacial Drift in Illinois: Thickness and Character. 1975. 35p., 2pls., Plate 1, Plate 2 C 492 Pennsylvanian Tree Fern Compressions Caulopteris, Megaphyton, and Artisophyton gen. nov. in Illinois. 1976. 31p., 6pls. C 497 Geology for Planning in the Springfield-Decatur Region, Illinois. 1977. 76p., 7pls., Plate 1, Plate 2, Plate 3, Plate 4, Plate 5, Plate 6, Plate 7 C 500 An Early Pennsylvanian Flora with Megalopteris and Noeggerathiales from West-Central Illinois. 1977. 77p., 15pls. C 509 The Wabash Valley Fault System in Southeastern Illinois. 1979. (Includes Structure Maps of Herrin (No. 6) Coal) 19p. C 510 Geology for Planning in Rock Island County, Illinois. 1980. 35p., 3pls., Plate 1, Plate 2, Plate 3 C 513 The Rend Lake Fault System in Southern Illinois. 1980. (Includes Structure Maps of Herrin (No. 6) Coal.) 23p., 1pl., Plate 1 C 522 The Cottage Grove Fault System in Southern Illinois. 1981. 65p., 1pl., Plate 1 C 523 Faults and their Effect on Coal Mining in Illinois. 1981. 39p. C 529 Geologic Notes (Incl. These Papers: Revised Correlation of the Shoal Creek and La Salle Limestone Members of the Bond Formation (Pennsylvanian) in Northern Illinois. Revision of Nomenclature of the Springfield (No. 5) Coal Member of Illinois. The Turner Mine Shale Member: A Newly Named Stratigraphic Unit of the Carbondale Formation). 1983. 16p., 1pl., Plate 1 C 530 Geologic Disturbances in Illinois Coal Seams. 1983. 47p. C 538 Structural Geology of Southeastern Illinois and Vicinity. 1987. 70p., 2pls., Plate 1, Plate 2 C 539 Stratigraphic Correlations of the Seelyville, Dekoven, and Davis Coals of Illinois, Indiana, and Western Kentucky. 1987. 27p., 2pls., Plate 1, Plate 2 C 548 Upper Pennsylvanian Algal Bank Limestones on the Northern Margin of the Illinois Basin, Livingston County, Illinois. 1991. 16p. C 553 Correlation of the "Boskydell Sandstone" and Other Sandstones Containing Marine Fossils in Southern Illinois Using Palynology of Adjacent Coal Beds. 1993. 18p. C 557 Geochemistry of Black Shales of the new Albany Group (Devonian-Mississippian) in the Illinois Basin: Relationships between Lithofacies and the Carbon, Sulfur, and Iron Contents. 1996. 24p.
Contract/Grant Reports
C/G 1979-1 Engineering Study of Structural Geologic Features of the Herrin (No. 6) Coal and Associated Rock in Illinois. Final Report Volume 2. 1979. (See IMN 72 for Volume 1.) 218p. C/G 1979-2 Determination of Valuable Metals in Liquefaction Process Residues. Final Report US/DOE Contr. EY-76-C-21-8004. 1979. 195p. C/G 1982-2 Geologic Investigation of Roof and Floor Strata: Longwall Demonstration, Old Ben Mine No. 24. 1982. 49p. (NTIS call number DOE/ET/12177-1) C/G 1983-2 Prediction of Coal Balls in the Herrin Coal. 1983. 69p. (NTIS call number DOE/ET 12177-2) C/G 1984-2 Structural Geology of Southeastern Illinois and Vicinity. 1984. 127p., 2pls.
Educational Series
ES 11 Fossil Peat from the Illinois Basin—A Guide to the Study of Coal Balls of Pennsylvanian Age. 1976. 39p., 3pls.
Guide Books
GB 8 Depositional Environments in Parts of the Carbondale Formation—Western and Northern Illinois. 1970. 119p., 10pls. GB 15 Depositional and Structural History of the Pennsylvanian System of the Illinois Basin, Part 1: Road Log and Descriptions of Stops. 1979. 116p. GB 15a Depositional and Structural History of the Pennsylvanian System of the Illinois Basin, Part 2: Invited Papers. 1979. 158p. GB 18 Early Pennsylvanian Paleotopography and Depositional Environments, Rock Island County, Illinois. 1985. 42p., 5pls.
Illinois Basin Studies
IBS 1 Geology of the Lower Pennsylvanian in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. 1989. 107p. IBS 3 Corebook of Pennsylvanian Rocks in the Illinois Basin. 1996. 19p., 70pls., Plates 1-10, Plates 11-20, Plates 21-30, Plates 31-40, Plates 41-50, Plates 51-60, Plates 61-70 IBS 5 Toward a More Uniform Stratigraphic Nomenclature for Rock Unites (Formations and Groups) of the Pennsylvanian System in the Illinois Basin. 2001. 26p., 1pl., Plate 1
Illinois Mineral Notes
IMN 72 Roof Strata of the Herrin (No. 6) Coal Member in Mines of Illinois: Their Geology and Stability. Summary Report. 1979. (See Contr. Rpt. 1979-1 for Volume 2). 54p.
Illinois Petroleum
IP 108 Bibliography and Index of Coal and Dispersed Organic Matter in Sedimentary Rocks: Petrography, Catagenesis, Relation to Petroleum and Natural Gas, and Geochemistry. 1975. 92p.
Open File Series Reports
OFS 1979-2 Investigation of the Gas Content of Coal Seams in the Vicinity of Charleston, Illinois. 1979. 39p. OFS 1994-4 Proceedings of the Illinois Basin Energy and Mineral Resources Workshop, September 12-13, 1994, Evansville, Indiana. (Contains a number of short papers and abstracts, some related to coal.) 1994. 46 p.
Reports of Investigations
RI 50 Spores from the Herrin (No. 6) Coal Bed in Illinois. 1938. 73p., 8pls. RI 75 Contribution to Pennsylvanian Paleobotany: Maxocarpon oedipternum, sp. nov., and Sigillarian Relationships. 1941. 53p., 6pls. RI 91 An Annotated Synopsis of Paleozoic Fossil Spores and Definition of Generic Groups. 1944. 74p., 3pls. RI 142 Pteridosperm Male Fructifications—American Species of Dolerotheca, with Notes Regarding Certain Allied Forms. 1949. (Reprinted from Journal of Paleontology, v. 22, p. 681-724, 1948). RI 178 Metamorphism of Coal by Peridotite Dikes in Southern Illinois. 1955. 8p. RI 180 Mayostachys - A New Calamite Fructification. 1955. 37p., 6pls. RI 214 Classification of the Pennsylvanian Strata of Illinois. 1960. 84p., 1pl., Plate 1
Other Publications
SP1 Geologic Mapping for the Future of Illinois. 1992. 21p.