Eichorn Area

Mines in the Illinois Portion of the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District
Series Circular 604
Author F. Brett Denny, W. John Nelson, Jeremy R. Breeden, and Ross C. Lillie
Date 2020
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The following mines and prospects were isolated from the larger subdistricts discussed above and are grouped by general areas. Most produced only small amounts of ore, although a number of these outlying ore deposits were rich in barite.

Mines in the Eichorn Area

Cobb and Cook Mines
The Cobb and Cook Mines lie on the southern flank of Hicks Dome between the Stewart and Interstate Subdistricts. Information is meager, and the Cook and Cobb may be the same mine. Weller et al. (1952) reported that the Cook Mine was mostly old workings but that a small amount of ore was produced before World War II and some exploration was conducted in 1942. The Crown Fluorspar Corporation operated the Cook Mine, which produced gravel spar that was aligned N 25° E (Weller et al. 1952).
McClusky Prospect
The McClusky Prospect was located along the Wolrab Mill Fault Zone about 1.3 miles northeast of the Cobb and Cook Mines. Saylor, Gibbs, and Frits dug several pits 40 to 65 feet deep and encountered only thin stringers of fluorspar (Weller et al. 1952). They produced mainly gravel spar from thin veins striking northeast.


  • Weller, J.M., R.M. Grogan, and F.E. Tippie, 1952, Geology of the fluorspar deposits of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Bulletin 76, 147 p.