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Hanna City Quadrangle
Mining in the Hanna City Quadrangle
The first recorded mining in the Hanna City Quadrangle took place at Edwards Station in the northeastern corner of the accompanying map. Jacob Darst began surface mining coal in 1849, and Frederick Ruprecht and John Woolenscraft opened a drift mine. In 1851, Ruprecht bought out his partner and operated for two years, when he sold out to Auderson Grimes and Judge Bryant, who in turn sold out to Samuel Potts. (The Potts Mine may be on the adjoining quadrangles.) The 1873 Atlas of Peoria County shows several mines in the northern third of the quadrangle, and one in the very southern part of the quadrangle. The Hanna City Mine (mine index 348) opened in 1883 and operated until 1938. Modern surface mining began in the 1950s and continued until 1984, with the Elm (mine index 887) and Edwards (mine index 881) Mines. In short, coal mining has been a constant and important presence in the area from shortly after settlement to the very recent past, employing many and providing heat to homes and businesses of the area.
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Coal Mines In Illinois Hanna City Quadrangle
Mines that Appear on the Hanna City Quadrangle
Unlocated Mines
Peoria County
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