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year operator address production cumulative opening depth seam thickness method days emp
1889 J. Siberts Renchler 5,798 140 12-18
1890 0 5,798
1891 Rentchler Coal Co. Rentchler 36,169 shaft 120 #6 6 RP 237 30
1892 Rentchler 37,157 shaft 120 #6 6 RP 266 22-32
1893 Rentchler 54,315 127,641 shaft 120 #6 6 RP 243 30
1894 Missouri & Illinois Coal Co., Rentchler 39,731 shaft 120 #6 6 RP 221 30-34
1895 Rentchler Mine Rentchler 35,679 shaft 120 #6 6 RP 197 43-45
1896 Rentchler 55,482 shaft 120 6 RP 252 27-37
1897 Rentchler 60,248 shaft 120 6 RP 247 32
1898 Belleville 34,081 shaft 120 #6 6 126 34
1899 Belleville 36,301 130 #6 6 168 34
1900 Belleville 60,191 130 6 RP 216 46
1901 Belleville 72,328 shaft 130 #6 6 RP 190 50
1902 Rentchler 85,355 185 60
1903 Rentchler 98,076 shaft 130 #6 6 RP 200 68
1904 Belleville 91,337 shaft 130 #6 7 RP 182 68
1905 Belleville 57,761 shaft 130 #6 7 RP 116 65
1906 Rentchler 56,123 shaft 130 #6 7 RP 124 56
1907 Rentchler 33,464 shaft 130 #6 7 RP 75 55
1908 Rentchler 20,596 shaft 130 #6 7 RP 77 60
1909 0
1910 Rentchler 30,252 shaft 130 #6 6.5 RP 92 60
1911 Rentchler 58,462 shaft 130 #6 6.5 RP 142 60
1912 Rentchler 51,603 shaft 114 #6 7 RP 151 74
1913 Rentchler 30,845 shaft 114 #6 7 RP 70 74
1914 0
1915 0
1916 6,383 1,014,298 shaft 114 #6 7 RP 50 40
1917 White-Sergent Coal Co. Rentchler 47,143 shaft #6 6.5 RP 178 61
1918 78,530 shaft 110 #6 6.5 RP 232 77
1919 51,898 177,571 118 65
1920 Mo. & Ill. Coal Co. 31,957 shaft 110 #6 6.5 RP 8 69
1921 23,284 shaft 110 #6 6.5 RP 63 66
1922 3,315 shaft 110 #6 6.5 RP 17 74
1923 11,979 70,535 50 48