Humrick Quadrangle

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Mining in the Humrick Quadrangle

The earliest mining in Vermilion County occurred to the north, around the city of Danville. The earliest evidence of mining on the Humrick Quadrangle is two small mines dating to 1875. The mining appears to have ceased on this quadrangle by the early 1950's.

Mining occurred in two coal seams, the Danville Coal and the Herrin Coal. This area lies near the cropline for both seams, which renders the coals near to the surface. A majority of the mines that operated in the quadrangle were surface mines because of the shallow nature of the coals.

Map and Directory PDF Download

Coal Mines In Illinois Humrick Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Humrick Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Vermilion County

Edgar County

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