Mine Index 2380   Star Coal Company,   Star No. 1 Mine

Unlocated Mines In: Grundy unlocated
County: Grundy
Quadrangle: Coal City
County Coal Data: Grundy
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No
For more information about Longwall Mining See: History of Longwall Coal Mining In Illinois

Mine Index Number: 2380

Company Name: Star Coal Company
Mine Name: Star No. 1 Mine
Start Date: 1883 End Date: 1903
Type of Mine: Underground
Total acres shown: None
Production Indicated Acres: 260 General Area of mining acres shown:

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Main shaft Grundy 33N 8E 35 SE NW SW
Air shaft Grundy 33N 8E 35 SE NW SW [1]


For more information about Longwall Mining See: History of Longwall Coal Mining In Illinois
Thickness (ft)
Seam Depth (ft) Min Max Ave Mining Method
Colchester 96-113 3.0 LW

Geological Problems Reported


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
Streator and Wilmington Star Coal Company Streator and Wilmington Star No. 1 1883-1889 [2] 326,131
Star Coal Company Star No. 1 1889-1903 [3] 958,543
Total Production: 1,284,674

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Plat Book of Grundy County, Illinois 1892 1:31680 1:31680 Secondary source

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation, seam, depth, thickness, geologic problems, mining method.
Directory of Illinois Coal Mines (Grundy County) - Mine names, mine index, ownership, years of operation.
Plat Book of Grundy County, Illinois, Compiled & published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, Illinois - Shaft location.
USGS topographic map, Coal City, 1953, Photorevised 1980 - Mine location.
Sanborn Map Company (Coal City) - Air shaft location.
Personal communication, Michele Micetich, 9-2007 - Ownership (Suffern Mine).

Mine Notes

Mine Images



  1. No primary maps of this mine have been found, but the Sanborn Map Company showed the air shaft to be approximately 225 feet northwest of the main shaft. This location is very general and the air shaft is not shown on the accompanying map.
  2. This mine may have operated as the Suffern No. 1 Mine prior to 1883. No production or years of operation are known.
  3. Idle 1898, probably due to a fire that destroyed the top works during the strike.