Hettick Quadrangle



Mining began at least as early as the 1880s in Hettick Quadrangle. Mining took place mostly in the Herrin Coal, although the Bremen Mine (mine index 2911) worked the Colchester Coal as a longwall mine, and was the largest mine in this quadrangle. Mining in Hettick Quadrangle was all underground, with mines being accessed by shaft, slope or drift. Most mines were small with an area of an acre or less. The final mine to operate here was the Daum Mine (mine index 2918), which closed in 1940.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Hettick Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Hettick Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Macoupin County

Franklin County

There are no known Unlocated mines in this county

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