Oconee Quadrangle


Mining in the Oconee Quadrangle

Two seams were mined in the Oconee quad. The Herrin Coal was mined in the northern part of the quad by two large mines. The first of these to open was the Penwell Mine (mine index 0371) in 1888. The Herrin Coal was deep here at over 700 feet, but the coal was thick, averaging 7.5 feet thick. This mine operated until 1945. In 1949, the Peabody No. 17 Mine (mine index 0679) opened. This mine was also over 700 feet deep, with a thick Herrin Coal that averaged 8 feet. It operated until 1957.

The Shelbyville Coal was also mined in this quad on a much smaller scale. This coal was generally worked along or near streams, in small drift mines. These mines operated very early on.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Oconee Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Oconee Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Shelby County

Christian County

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