Roanoke Quadrangle


Mining in the Roanoke Quadrangle

The Roanoke Mine (mine index 0611) was opened in 1881. The Springfield Coal was a poor quality coal at Roanoke. The Colchester Coal was mined, making this one of the deepest mines in the region at 480 feet. The coal was thin, averaging about 2.5 feet thick, which resulted in a large quantity of roof shale removal to make the haulage routes tall enough for the mules. The clay in the roof shale was useful for a brick and tile company nearby, and the coal was sold as far away as Chicago, as well as being the preferred heating material by local farmers. Many timber props were bought for the roof, and the coal mine was a great contributor to the town’s economy until the mine closed in 1940.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Roanoke Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Roanoke Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Woodford County

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