Edinburg Quadrangle

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Mining in the Edinburg Quadrangle

Mining began in this quadrangle in 1888, with the opening of the Edinburg Coal Mining Company, mine index 245, near Edinburg. This mine operated for 60 years, and was idled for only six years during that time. Although the mine had a very long life (most mines operate 20 to 30 years), the production ranged from less than 1,500 tons up to a high of 31,881 tons in the 1892-1893 fiscal year, and so the area mined is not commensurate with the time span operated. The other mines shown in the Edinburg Quadrangle extended from adjacent areas south and west, but these three mines all operated 40 years or more. Although the Herrin Coal was over 300 feet deep in this part of Christian County, the seam was thick (usually over 6 feet), and was not plagued by horsebacks and rolls as the Springfield Coal was in Sangamon County. This made mining in Christian County very competitive with nearby coal fields, since adequate rail transport was available to market the coal.

Map and Directory PDF Download

Coal Mines In Illinois Edinburg Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Edinburg Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Christian County

Sangamon County

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