Gillespie North Quadrangle

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Mining in the Gillespie North Quadrangle

The eastern two-thirds of the Gillespie North Quadrangle is within an area known as the Hornsby District, known for thick, low-sulfur coal (Nelson, 1987). The mines in this area have an Energy Shale roof, an overbank deposit from the Walshville channel further east that reaches thicknesses of over 60 feet. The Energy Shale that forms the immediate roof in this area has lower physical strength and slake (moisture) durability than similar shales in southern Illinois. The older mines in the Gillespie North Quadrangle are smaller and generally had shorter operating lifespan than the mines directly south, most likely as a result of problems encountered in supporting the roof and keeping the entries clear of roof fall material. The Gillespie Mine (mine index 763) left 12 to 18 inches of coal to help support the roof. This also protected the Energy Shale roof from changes in humidity, which caused greater instability. The coal here is thick, ranging up to 9 feet. The minimum reported thickness was 6 feet, and most average thicknesses were 7 feet or more. The mines were between 300 and 400 feet deep.

Map and Directory PDF Download

Coal Mines In Illinois Gillespie North Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Gillespie North Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Macoupin County

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