Virden North Quadrangle

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Mining in the Virden North Quadrangle

The Herrin Coal was generally thick in this area, over 6 feet. In most cases, the black shale roof required protection and support and top coal was left for that purpose. With thick coal over the area, the mines all operated over 20 years, and the Virden Mine (mine index 0067) operated for 67 years. The depth of the coal (over 300 feet) prevented small operators from working in this area; a substantial investment was required to open a mine here. The mines were located along a transportation corridor. With rail shipping, the production could be sold in Springfield, or sent to the Chicago or St. Louis markets. The last mine operating (Virden Mine) closed in 1959.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Virden North Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Virden North Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Macoupin County

Sangamon County

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