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Mine Index 0110   Illinois Colliery Company,   Alden No. 5 Mine

Unlocated Mines In: Fulton unlocated
County: Fulton
Quadrangle: Farmington West
County Coal Data: Fulton
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No

Mine Index Number: 0110

Company Name: Illinois Colliery Company
Mine Name: Alden No. 5 Mine
Start Date: 1888 End Date: April 1952
Type of Mine: Underground
Total acres shown: 622
Acres after map date: General Area of mining acres shown:

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Main shaft Fulton 8N 4E 2 NW SW NE
Air shaft Fulton 8N 4E 2 SW NW NE
Air shaft Fulton 8N 4E 1 SW NW NE


Thickness (ft)
Seam Depth (ft) Min Max Ave Mining Method
Springfield 185 4.06 MRP

Geological Problems Reported

The immediate roof was 2 feet of black shale, with 6 to 8 inches of clod above that, and 4 to 8 inches of limestone above the clod. This roof shale was cut out in haulage routes to make head room for the mules. Many pyrite nodules and coal balls up to 18 inches in diameter were common in the roof. The coal balls protruded down into the coal and some would drop out of the roof once the coal was removed while some would stay up in the roof indefinitely. The bottom 2 to 6 inches of the black shale roof was a draw slate that would sometimes stay up and sometimes adhere to the coal. Pyrite distribution within the coal seam was irregular but often present in nodules and lenticular layers 2 feet below the roof. Horsebacks were numerous, and cut the coal out completely, but were generally thin. One horseback was 6 feet wide and extended upwards into the roof. The mine was dry and no heaving was noted. Pressurized water was encountered in one room (a horizontal drill hole released the pressure so that the water shot out 30 feet from the hole), but that room was kept sealed and the water pumped out.


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
Farmington Coal Company Farmington 1888-1891 49,771
Claire Coal Company Claire No. 2 1891-1895 149,647
Farmington Coal Company Nickel Plate 1895-1908 377,362 [1]
Alden Coal Company Alden No. 5 1908-1927 1,162,784 [2]
Alden Coal Company Alden No. 5 1928-1952 761,112
Total Production: 2,500,676

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Microfilm, document 351652 1952 1:2400 1:4966 Final
Federal Land Bank Report 4-1934 1:42500 1:42560 Secondary source
Microfilm, document 351690 1-31-1950 1:2400 1:4303 Not final

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation.
Directory of Illinois Coal Mines (Fulton County) - Mine names, mine index, ownership, years of operation.
Mine notes (Fulton County) - Mine type, shaft location, seam, depth, thickness, geologic problems
Microfilm map, document 351652, reel 03137, frame 15 - Shaft locations, mine outline, mining method.
Microfilm map, document 351690, reel 03137, frames 56 & 57 - Mine outline (western).
Federal Land Bank Report map (Fulton County) - Mine outline (western).
Microfilm map, document 351646, reel 03137, frame 7, map of Westerby No. 2 Mine (mine index 2246) - Air shaft.

Mine Notes

Mine Images



  1. Production was incorrectly reported for all mines in 1896, and was not used in the production total.
  2. Idle 1922