Mine Index 0359   Peabody Coal Company,   Northern

Unlocated Mines In: Grundy unlocated, Will unlocated, Kankakee unlocated
County: Grundy
Quadrangle: Coal City
County Coal Data: Grundy
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No

Mine Index Number: 0359

Company Name: Peabody Coal Company
Mine Name: Northern
Start Date: 1928 End Date: 1974
Type of Mine: Surface
Total acres shown: 13,840 [1]
Acres after map date: General Area of mining acres shown:

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Tipple Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag
Cardiff [2] 58 3.83 Surface
Colchester [3] 64 2.4-3.0 Surface

Geological Problems Reported

The overlying drift was a hard, gray, boulder-filled clay, and below that, in Will County, up to 20 feet of massive gray shale (Francis Creek). The Colchester Coal was relatively flat-lying, while the Cardiff Coal dipped markedly where the Francis Creek Shale (overlies Colchester Coal) thinned rapidly. The bottom 5 feet of the Francis Creek Shale contained concretions and siderite nodules up to 1 inch thick and 4 inches across. In Will County, rolls were a prominent feature of the Colchester Coal. The top of the seam may vary 8 feet vertically over 50 horizontal feet. The Colchester Coal also contained stony masses that may have been petrifactions of woody material. These stony masses ranged from 6 inches to 3 feet long, 3 inches to 2 feet wide, and 1 to 8 inches thick. They were present throughout the seam. The Houchin Creek and Cardiff Coals contained prominent cleat fillings of pyrite and calcite. Pyrite was also present as lenses that were up to 0.125 inches thick and extending laterally 2 feet across.


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
Northern Illinois Coal Corporation Northern 1928-1956 31,138,769
Peabody Coal Company Northern 1957-1974 12,885,835
Total Production: 44,024,604 [4]

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Coal Section files, 5-e-16 Undated 1:12000 1:12000 Undated
Coal Section files, 1-29-17 12-22-1971 1:4800 1:4800 Not final
USGS topographic map (Gardner Quadrangle)) 1983 1:24000 1:24000 Secondary source
Company map, 4102 i5.1-18 7-1-1950 1:4800 1:4800 Final
Company map, 4103.G72 i5.1-3 7-1-1950 1:4800 1:4800 Final
Company map, 4103.G72 i5.1-4 1-1-1947 1:4800 1:4800 Final
WPA, T33N-R8E 7-1-1937 1:69696 1:69696 Secondary source
USGS topographic map (Coal City Quadrangle) 1993 1:24000 1:24000 Secondary source
Company, 4103.W51 i5.1-1 1-1945 1:4800 1:4800 Final
Microfilm, document 351368 1-1941 1:4800 1:7945 Final
ISGS map library, 4103.W51 i5.1-4 1935 1:31680 1:31680 Secondary source
USGS topographic map (Wilmington Quadrangle) 1993 1:24000 1:24000 Secondary source
Coal Section files, 1-27-30A 6-30-1967 1:9600 1:9600 Not final
Coal Section files, 1-27-30C 6-30-1967 1:9600 1:9600 Not final
USGS topographic map (Essex Quadrangle) PR1980 1:24000 1:24000 Secondary source

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation.
Directory of Illinois Coal Mines (Will County) - Mine names, mine index, ownership, years of operation.
Mine notes (Grundy County) - Mine type, seam, depth, thickness, geologic problems.
Coal Section files, 5-e-16 - Mine outline (Pits 12, 13, 15 and 16), mining method.
Coal Section files, 1-29-17 - Mine outline (Pit 14), mining method.
USGS 7.5-minute topographic map, Gardner Quadrangle, Provisional 1983 - Mine outline.
Company map, ISGS map library, 4102 i5.1-18 - Mine outline (Pit 6), mining method.
Company map, ISGS map library, 4103.G72 i5.1-3 - Mine outline (Pit 7), mining method.
Company map, ISGS map library, 4103.G72 i5.1-4 - Mine outline (Pit 8), mining method.
WPA map, T33N-R8E - Mine outline (Pit 1).
USGS 7.5-minute topographic map, Coal City Quadrangle, 1993 - Mine outline.
Mine notes (Will County) - Mine type, tipple location, seam, depth, thickness.
ISGS field notes (Will County) - Geologic problems.
Company map, ISGS map library, 4103.W51 i5.1-1 - Mine outline (pits 2-5), mining method.
Microfilm map, document 351368, reel 03135, frames 396-397 - Mine outline (pits 1 and 6), mining method.
ISGS map library, 4103.W51 i5.1-4, sheet 3, work map compiled from J. C. Quade notes and maps - Tipple location.
USGS 7.5-minute topographic map, Wilmington Quadrangle, 1993 - Mine outline.
Coal Section files, 1-27-30A - Tipple location, mine outline (south half, Pit 11), mining method.
Coal Section files, 1-27-30C - Mine outline (north half, Pit 11), mining method.
USGS 7.5-minute topographic map, Essex Quadrangle, 1973, photorevised 1980 - Mine outline.

Mine Notes

Mine Images



  1. The area shown is larger than expected for the reported tonnage. It is likely that some unmined areas are shown as mined that have been disturbed but not mined.
  2. Most pits mined the Colchester Coal. The Houchin Creek and Cardiff Coals were mined only where those seams were thick enough, generally in the southern and eastern parts of the mine.
  3. Most pits mined the Colchester Coal. The Houchin Creek and Cardiff Coals were mined only where those seams were thick enough, generally in the southern and eastern parts of the mine.
  4. The production for each county was not always reported separately. In Grundy County, 3,476,341 tons were mined. 31,986,845 tons were mined in Will County. 4,525,991 tons were reported mined in Kankakee County. This leaves 4,035,427 tons for which the county has not been indicated. Mining ended in Grundy County in 1972 and 1973 in Kankakee County.