Gardner Quadrangle


Mining in the Gardner Quadrangle

The Colchester Coal was mined in this area by longwall mines that operated before 1915. The two underground mines (mine index 2359, Truckers Mine and mine index 2337, the Number Three Mine) that operated after 1930 utilized the room-and-pillar method of mining. Much of the area is shown as a general area of mining because of a lack of good mine maps, an issue related to the age of the mining. The seam ranges between 90 and 200 feet deep and averages about 3 feet thick. Rolls and small faults interfered somewhat with mining. Roof falls from near-surface water percolating into the mines was a problem at two mines in this quadrangle.

Near the town of Gardner, a mine was started in 1863 by James Congson & William Odell (mine index 7029) and operated for more than ten years. Another mine started in 1865, was not so fortunate. The Joint Stock Coal Mining Company attempted to sink a shaft southwest of town, which was abandoned at 40 feet when water was hit. This shaft was then used as a water well for steam locomotives.

Around the village of Braceville, the Milwaukee Coal Company bought out most of the mines and built ‘Company Houses’ for their employees. At one point, they employed over 600 miners. As these mines closed, most by the late 1800's, many of the ‘Company Houses’ were moved to southern Illinois by flat car.

The most recent mining was from the surface. The Northern Mine (mine index 675) operated in other seams where the coal was thick enough, such as the Houchin Creek and Cardiff Coals, in addition to the Colchester Coal. This mine ceased operations in 1974.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Gardner Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Gardner Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Grundy County

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