Mine Index 2461   O. R. Moss,   Moss Mine

Unlocated Mines In: Jackson unlocated
County: Jackson
Quadrangle: Ava
County Coal Data: Jackson
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No

Mine Index Number: 2461

Company Name: O. R. Moss
Mine Name: Moss Mine
Start Date: 1903 End Date: 1942
Type of Mine: Underground
Total acres shown: 6 [1]
Acres after map date: Less than 1 acre General Area of mining acres shown:

This underground mine was partially stripped by Creek Paum Mine (mine index 1023).

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Main slope Jackson 7S 3W 12 SW NW NW
Slope Jackson 7S 3W 11 SW NW NE
Slope / drift Jackson 7S 3W 11 NE NE NE
Slope / drift Jackson 7S 3W 11 SE NE NE
Air shaft Jackson 7S 3W 11 SW NW NE
Air shaft Jackson 7S 3W 11 SW NW NE


Thickness (ft)
Seam Depth (ft) Min Max Ave Mining Method
Murphysboro 24-75 3.5 5.33 3.7-4.0 RP

Geological Problems Reported

The coal rose rapidly west of the slope bottom, and sprags were required to keep loaded cars from rolling. The dip leveled off westward. Some pyrite nodules were present in the seam. No shale partings were noted.


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
Jake B. Schimpf Schimpf No. 1 1903-1916 18,984
O. R. Moss Moss 1916-1918 1,254
J. B. Schimpf Schimpf No. 1 1918-1920 2,539
D. F. McCarthy McCarthy 1920-1925 [2] 9,340
O. S. Moss Coal Company Moss 1926-1927 [3] 440
Schimpf Coal Company Schimpf 1928-1928 200
B. A. Schimpf Schimpf 1929-1929 80
O. R. Moss Moss 1929-1939 2,245
O. R. Moss Moss 1939-1942 703 [4]
Total Production: 35,785

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Microfilm, document 352487 3-18-1939 1:1200 1:1200 Not final
Microfilm, document 352480 3-1917 1:1200 1:1076 Not final
ISGS map library, 4107 d5.1-195 1931 1:62500 1:62500 Secondary source

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation, depth.
Directory of Illinois Coal Mines (Jackson County) - Mine names, mine index, ownership, years of operation.
Mine notes (Jackson County) - Mine type, slope location, seam, thickness.
ISGS field notes (Jackson County) - Depth, thickness, geologic problems.
Microfilm map, document 352487, reel 03139, frame 178 - Slope and shaft locations, mine outline, mining method.
Microfilm map, document 352480, reel 03139, frame 171 - Air shaft location.
ISGS map library, 4107 d5.1-195, sheet 48, work map of H. R. Wanless - Mine location.

Mine Notes

Mine Images



  1. Production indicates approximately 10 acres were mined and the area shown on the accompanying map is smaller than expected for the reported production.
  2. Production not reported in 1922 for mines producing less than 10,000 tons. Idle 1924
  3. Idle 1927
  4. Production after map date