Carlinville East Quadrangle


Mining in the Carlinville East Quadrangle

Mining began in 1917 at the Standard No. 1 Mine (mine index 187). This mine, like all of the mines in the Carlinville East quad, mined the Herrin Coal, which averages 6 to 7 feet in thickness in this area. In 1918, a shaft was sunk by Standard Oil Company (mine index 2933) which caved and was closed, with no coal having been produced. The following year Standard No. 2 Mine (mine index 228) was opened. The early mines all experienced a combination of roof and floor problems. The last of these early mines closed in 1951 with the closing of Standard No. 2 Mine (mine index 228). Production ceased in 1947, but the mine continued to pass from owner to owner until 1951. In 1970, Monterey No. 1 Mine (mine index 886) began production, and mining once again began in this quad. This mine closed in 2007, but was later reopened by Macoupin Energy, LLC, as Shay No. 1 Mine in 2009.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Carlinville East Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Carlinville East Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Macoupin County

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