Greenview Quadrangle

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Mining in the Greenview Quadrangle

The first mining that took place in the Greenview Quadrangle was in 1880, when the Greenview Coal Company sank their shaft (mine index 4207). The mine was about 100 feet deep and located next to the Chicago & Alton Railroad. During the next year, Ed Hughes opened his mine near Sweetwater (mine index 4157, in SE 31-T9N-R5W). The other mines were all considerably deeper than the first mine, ranging from 122 to 185 feet deep. All worked in the Springfield Coal, and presumably had similar geologic problems as the mine in Sangamon County to the southeast (horsebacks, clay dikes, etc.), but little is known of the operating difficulties of the Menard County mines.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Greenview Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Greenview Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Menard County

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