Virden South Quadrangle

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Mining in the Virden South Quadrangle

Mining began in the Virden South Quadrangle in 1867, when the Carpenter Mine (mine index 0186) opened. The Herrin Coal was over 300 feet deep in this area, but generally averaged over 6 feet thick. The uniform seam drew others, and mining took place here until 1959, when the Virden Mine (mine index 0067) closed. After a gap when no mining took place, the Crown II Mine (mine index 0933) opened in 1974.

The Herrin Coal had a thick shale roof that was prone to fall and roof support planning was required. Slips and rolls were common. Sandstone channels or faults were present and fractures in the shale over the coal introduced moisture into some mines. The geologic problems in this area were common for the Herrin Coal in the Illinois Basin, without any large structural features (such as the Cottage Grove Fault System of southern Illinois) to add special problems.

Map and Directory PDF Download

Coal Mines In Illinois Virden South Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Virden South Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Macoupin County

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