Mine Index 0408   Rock Island Improvement Company,   Lamarsh No. 1 Mine

Unlocated Mines In: Peoria unlocated
County: Peoria
Quadrangle: Peoria West
County Coal Data: Peoria
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No

Mine Index Number: 0408

Company Name: Rock Island Improvement Company
Mine Name: Lamarsh No. 1 Mine
Start Date: 1922 End Date: June 1951
Type of Mine: Underground
Total acres shown: 2,918
Acres after map date: General Area of mining acres shown:

The area shown on the accompanying map represents the acreage undermined by Lamarsh No. 1 Mine and the Vicary Mine (mine index 3019). The mine boundaries could not be distinguished. Both mines appear to have used the same slopes and air shafts.

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Slope Peoria 7N 7E 8 SE NE SE
Slope Peoria 7N 7E 8 SE NE SE
Air shaft Peoria 7N 7E 4 NW SW NE
Air shaft Peoria 7N 7E 5 NW NE NE
Air shaft Peoria 8N 7E 33 SW NW SE
Air shaft Peoria 8N 7E 31 SE SW NE


Thickness (ft)
Seam Depth (ft) Min Max Ave Mining Method
Springfield 100-130 4.0 4.75 4.25 RPP

Geological Problems Reported

The sandstone cap rock was present over the entire mine, and made a good roof. Water seeped from the sandstone and made the mine very wet. The immediate roof over the coal was 2 to 2.5 feet of black shale that usually came down. Clay horsebacks were common, but seldom over 4 inches wide. Pyrite was present as fracture facings and, less commonly, as lenses and nodules. The 10 feet of underclay heaved when the mine was wet and the entries too wide.


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
Crescent Mining Company Lamarsh No. 1 1922-1943 7,589,090
Rock Island Improvement Company Lamarsh No. 1 1943-1951 2,542,190
Total Production: 10,131,280

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Microfilm, document 352193 6-27-1951 1:2400 1:5131 Final

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation, depth.
Directory of Illinois Coal Mines (Peoria County) - Mine names, mine index, ownership, years of operation.
Mine notes (Peoria County) - Mine type, seam, thickness, geologic problems.
Microfilm map, document 352193, reel 03138, frames 231-251 - Slope & shaft locations, mine outline, mining method.

Mine Notes

Mine Images

