Mine Index 0654   Sparta Coal Company,   Florida Mine

Unlocated Mines In: Randolph unlocated
County: Randolph
Quadrangle: Tilden
County Coal Data: Randolph
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No

Mine Index Number: 0654

Company Name: Sparta Coal Company
Mine Name: Florida Mine
Start Date: 1902 End Date: September 1950
Type of Mine: Underground
Total acres shown: 1,206
Acres after map date: General Area of mining acres shown:

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Main shaft Randolph 4S 5W 10 SW SE NW
Air shaft Randolph 4S 5W 10 NW NE SW


Thickness (ft)
Seam Depth (ft) Min Max Ave Mining Method
Herrin 186 5.5 6.5 6.0 RPP,MRP[1]

Geological Problems Reported

The immediate roof was up to 3 feet of black shale that stuck to the coal or limestone where the black shale wedged out. In some places, up to 2 feet of white top was seen above the coal. The limestone cap rock was a nodular argillaceous rock that required heavy timbering and fell without warning even then. It appeared to consist of limestone nodules 4 to 8 inches across embedded in calcareous shale, and more closely resembles a bastard limestone than the typical Brereton Limestone. Concretions were present in the eastern part of the mine in the uppermost bench of coal, which thickened up to 2 feet thick when the concretions were present. Thin plates of pyrite were present, as well as 1/16 inch thick band of plates that was about 18 inches below the roof. Another band of pyrite plates and / or clay was present about 18 inches above the floor. This band in the lower part of the seam averaged 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick, and ranged up to 2 inches thick. The blue band was about 12 inches above the floor and contained some streaks of pyrite. Bands of mother coal were fairly persistent in the mine.


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
A. E. Powell Consol 1902-1904 35,220
J. A. Greim Consol 1904-1905 39,617
Coulterville Coal Company Consol 1905-1907 67,631
West Mine Coal Company Consol 1907-1912 136,841
Underwood Coal and Mining Company Consol, West 1912-1914 60,438
West Side Coal Company Consol, West 1914-1919 281,559
St. Louis Coal Company Florida 1919-1940 [2] 2,896,031
Florida Coal Company Florida 1940-1945 1,895,198
Sparta Coal Company Florida 1946-1950 1,657,781
Total Production: 7,070,316

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Microfilm, document 353357 6-1-1950 1:2400 1:4800 Final

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation.
Directory of Illinois Coal Mines (Randolph County) - Mine names, mine index, ownership, years of operation.
Mine notes (Randolph County) - Mine type, shaft location, seam, depth, thickness, geologic problems.
Microfilm map, document 353357, reel 03142, frames 354-357 - Shaft locations, mine outline, mining method.

Mine Notes

Mine Images

[[:Florida|Florida]]These files may not be true to scale and are not georgistered. Map Type: Microfilm
Map ID: 353357 3142 354-357
Company: Sparta Coal Company
Mine Name: Florida
Map Date: 6/1/1950
Map Status: Final
Image Credit:
More Info: M0654.tif
Full Res Download:These files are true to scale and most are georegistered for gis software. These files may be a very large (>1GB) download! https://wikiimage.isgs.illinois.edu/ilmines/randolph/m0654.zip



  1. some MRP
  2. Idle 1932