Mechanicsburg Quadrangle


Mining in the Mechanicsburg Quadrangle

The Springfield Coal was mined in the Mechanicsburg Quadrangle, ranging from 250 to 305 feet deep. Geologic problems common to the Springfield Coal were noted, such as pyrite-rich layers and horsebacks, and some areas had other problems, such as faulting and roof problems with clod.

The Dawson No. 2 Mine (mine index 343) was the oldest mine in the vicinity, having worked out 8 acres before 1882. The Coronado Mine (mine index 311) opened in 1905, but closed in 1911, long before Dawson No. 2 shut down (1924). No mining took place then until the Farrand Mine (mine index 641) opened in 1937, and after it closed in 1955, the coal mining in this vicinity was done.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Mechanicsburg Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Mechanicsburg Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

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Christian County

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