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Taylorville Quadrangle


Mining in the Taylorville Quadrangle

Mining in this area occurred in the deep Herrin Coal. In this area, the Herrin Coal is 350 to almost 500 feet deep, and averages about 7 feet in thickness. This thickness of coal helped to justify going to such great depths to extract coal in this area. Some geologic problems were reported in these mines, but none were so severe as to bring about the closing of a mine.

Since the coal was so deep, sinking a shaft here was a major undertaking, and as such, the mines operated for long periods of time and extracted large amounts of coal. The earliest mining began in 1889 at the Taylorville No. 1 Mine (mine index 0731), and mining continued until Peabody Coal Company closed their Nos. 58 (mine index 0661) and 7 (mine index 2040) in the spring of 1952.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Taylorville Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Taylorville Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Christian County

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