Mine Index 0108   Crescent Coal Company,   Crescent No. 2 Mine

Unlocated Mines In: Tazewell unlocated
County: Tazewell
Quadrangle: Peoria East
Marquette Heights
County Coal Data: Tazewell
Shown On Map: Yes
Unlocated: No

Mine Index Number: 0108

Company Name: Crescent Coal Company
Mine Name: Crescent No. 2 Mine
Start Date: 1918 End Date: August 1930
Type of Mine: Underground
Total acres shown: 1,260
Production Indicated Acres: 10 General Area of mining acres shown:

The boundary between Crescent No. 2 and Groveland No. 1 Mine (mine index 0810) could not be discerned. The outline shown on the accompanying map includes both mines.

Shaft, Slope, Drift or Tipple Location(s)

Type County Township-Range Section Part Section
Main shaft Tazewell 25N 4W 18 NE NE NE
Air shaft Tazewell 25N 4W 18 NE SE SE


Thickness (ft)
Seam Depth (ft) Min Max Ave Mining Method
Springfield 165 3.8 4.75 4.33 RPP

Geological Problems Reported

A heavy sandstone with a very uneven lower surface was persistent from 1 to 10 feet above the coal. This sandstone contained a great deal of water and the mine was consequently very wet. The sandstone eroded the coal in two areas of the mine, one for a distance of 90 feet. Some minor faulting was noted, generally associated with horsebacks, which were numerous in the southwestern part of the mine. Some horsebacks were 1 foot across and extended 2 feet into the seam. The upper 1.5 feet of the coal had pyrite present as fracture facings and lenses (1 by 3 inches). The underclay was over 8 feet thick and heaved in the old workings.


Company Mine Name Date Production (tons)
Groveland Coal Mining Company Groveland No. 2 1918-1925 2,248,872
Crescent Coal Company Crescent No. 2 1925-1928 706,011
Crescent Coal Company Crescent No. 2 1928-1930 46,249[1]
Total Production: 3,001,132

Production Notes

Coal Report production (if available)

Sources of Data

Source Map Map Date Original Scale Digitized Scale Map Type
Company, MSHA_670_03 1-1-1930 1:2400 1:2400 Not final
Company, PB_902_03 1-1-1927 1:2400 1:2400 Not final

Annotated Bibliography (Data source - brief description of information)

Coal Reports - Production, ownership, years of operation.
Mine notes (Tazewell County) - Mine type, shaft location, seam, depth, thickness, geologic problems.
State archive map, MSHA_670_03 - Mine outline (southern, northeastern & eastern), shaft, southern air shaft, mining method.
State archive map, PB_902_03 - Mine outline (northwestern), slope& western air shafts locations.

Mine Notes

Mine Images

[[:Crescent No. 2|Crescent No. 2]]These files may not be true to scale and are not georgistered. Map Type: State Archive
Map ID: MSHA_670_03
Company: Crescent Coal Company
Mine Name: Crescent No. 2
Map Date: 1-1-1930
Map Status: Not Final
Image Credit:
More Info: M0108 m810 MSHA 670 03
Full Res Download:These files are true to scale and most are georegistered for gis software. These files may be a very large (>1GB) download! https://wikiimage.isgs.illinois.edu/ilmines/tazewell/m0108 m810 MSHA 670 03.zip
[[:Crescent No. 2|Crescent No. 2]], [[:Crescent No. 1|Crescent No. 1]]These files may not be true to scale and are not georgistered. Map Type: State Archive
Map ID: PB_902_03
Company: Crescent Coal Company
Mine Name: Crescent No. 2, Crescent No. 1
Map Date: 1-1-1927
Map Status: Not Final
Image Credit:
Note: Note Final map for M.I. 0108, Final for 0810
More Info: M0108 m0810 PB 902 03
Full Res Download:These files are true to scale and most are georegistered for gis software. These files may be a very large (>1GB) download! https://wikiimage.isgs.illinois.edu/ilmines/tazewell/m0108 m0810 PB 902 03.zip



  1. Production after map date