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Harco Quadrangle
Mining in the Harco Quadrangle
Mining began in the Harco quadrangle in 1902 and has continued to the present, with the Pond Creek Mine (mine index 1039) active in the Herrin Coal. Most of the mining in the Harco Quadrangle was of the Herrin and Springfield Coals. The Herrin Coal ranged from 60 to 350 feet deep. Consequently, this seam was both surface- and underground-mined. The Springfield Coal was 100 feet or more below the Herrin Coal, and was only underground-mined in this area. This coal was generally 4 to 5.5 feet thick, with a maximum local thickness of 10 feet. The Danville and Womac Coals were also surface-mined locally.
Faulting and roof falls were the main problems of the abandoned mines. The Cottage Grove Fault System extends through this quadrangle, with the master fault running generally east-west between Peabody No. 47 Mine (mine index 124) and Peabody No. 43 Mine (mine index 751). An associated fault zone curves southward along the western limit of Peabody No. 43 Mine. The indications of these faults can be seen on the accompanying map of the Springfield Coal. Subsidiary faulting also occurs, and some traces of this can be seen in the mining patterns. In many areas, the displacements are relatively small and do not represent a serious obstacle to mining. For more detailed information on the Cottage Grove Fault System, see ISGS Circular 522, The Cottage Grove Fault System in Southern Illinois (Nelson and Krausse, 1981).
The Galatia Channel is about a mile east of the Harco Quadrangle. Associated with the channel is the Dykersburg Shale Member, a unit of light to dark gray shales, siltstones and sandstones deposited directly on the Springfield Coal. The Dykersburg Shale Member makes a stable mine roof, except where abrupt changes of thickness occur and in certain facies near the Galatia Channel. The sandy gray Energy Shale over the Herrin Coal causes similar difficulties.
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Coal Mines In Illinois Harco Quadrangle
Mines that Appear on the Harco Quadrangle
Unlocated Mines
Saline County
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Franklin County
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Williamson County
Pages in category "Harco Quadrangle"
The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.
- FileList:M 0798 IL 2575 01
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- FileList:M0702.jpg
- FileList:M0751 IL 346 01
- FileList:M0798 IL 2576 01
- FileList:M0801 IL 356 06
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- FileList:M0911 IL 793 08
- FileList:M0939 m0981
- FileList:M0992 6-348.jpg
- FileList:M1001 6 374aa 2018
- FileList:M1001 6 374e springfield 2005.jpg
- FileList:M1001 6 374Y herrin 2017
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- FileList:M1001 6-374s
- FileList:M1011 IL 566 01 geo
- FileList:M1011.jpg
- FileList:M1029 6 423 2007.tif
- FileList:M1039 2019
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- FileList:M1039 2021
- FileList:M1039 2022
- FileList:M1039 2024
- FileList:M3259.jpg
- FileList:M3353 IL 347 01
- FileList:M4087
- FileList:M4701.jpg
Media in category "Harco Quadrangle"
The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total.
- M0124 fieldnotes.pdf 750 × 1,191, 3 pages; 610 KB
- M0124 minenotes.pdf 743 × 1,183, 27 pages; 5.96 MB
- M0702 minenotes.pdf 725 × 1,156, 126 pages; 33.42 MB
- M0751 minenotes.pdf 745 × 1,183, 6 pages; 1.29 MB
- M0798 fieldnotes.pdf 756 × 1,189; 257 KB
- M0798 minenotes.pdf 700 × 1,160, 18 pages; 4 MB
- M0801 minenotes.pdf 706 × 1,162, 35 pages; 7.9 MB
- M0909 minenotes.pdf 739 × 1,183, 80 pages; 7.89 MB
- M0911 minenotes.pdf 733 × 1,181, 39 pages; 7.64 MB
- M0939 minenotes.pdf 733 × 1,162, 12 pages; 2.72 MB
- M0981 minenotes.pdf 733 × 1,162, 53 pages; 4.67 MB
- M0992 minenotes.pdf 745 × 1,183, 51 pages; 17.62 MB
- M1001 minenotes.pdf 743 × 1,175, 143 pages; 38.35 MB
- M1011 minenotes.pdf 745 × 1,183, 2 pages; 406 KB
- M1029 minenotes.pdf 506 × 314, 8 pages; 1.67 MB
- M1032 minenotes.pdf 535 × 293, 13 pages; 4.25 MB
- M3258 minenotes.pdf 745 × 1,183, 4 pages; 792 KB
- M3259 minenotes.pdf 745 × 1,183, 3 pages; 567 KB
- M3353 minenotes.pdf 743 × 1,183, 6 pages; 1.28 MB
- M4087 minenotes.pdf 725 × 1,160, 4 pages; 815 KB
- M4448 minenotes.pdf 758 × 1,210, 3 pages; 996 KB
- M4493 fieldnotes.pdf 747 × 1,195; 153 KB
- M4494 fieldnotes.pdf 758 × 1,197; 278 KB
- M4700 minenotes.pdf 745 × 1,183, 3 pages; 569 KB