Eldorado Quadrangle


Mining in the Eldorado Quadrangle

The master fault of the Cottage Grove Fault System runs through the southwestern corner of this quadrangle. Subsidiary faults and igneous dikes were encountered in most of the mines in this area. The faults displaced the coal more than 10 feet in several locations. The dikes were over 20 feet wide in some areas, with naturally coked coal on either side. For more information on this fault system, see The Cottage Grove Fault System in Southern Illinois (ISGS Circular 522, 1981).

The earliest known mining in the Eldorado Quadrangle was in the early 1900s. Most of the mines operated in the Springfield Coal, which ranged from 4.5 to over 6 feet thick. The Herrin Coal was mined in the southeastern part of the quadrangle, generally by small underground mines and, more recently, by surface mines.

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Coal Mines In Illinois Eldorado Quadrangle

Mines that Appear on the Eldorado Quadrangle

Unlocated Mines

Saline County

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